I have been asked id modern Moldova is the homeland of the Anemoi people. The answer is no. Modern Moldovans share our ancestors. Anemoi are the descendants that left Eastern Europe in the 19th century. Modern Moldova is only a fraction of our ancient homeland. Modern Moldova is what was Bessarabia.
Parts of the ancient homeland are now in Romania, Ukraine, Turkey, and Russia. Modern Moldova is the last vestiges of our culture on the continent. You can still hear our language there and see monuments to our heritage. However, Moldova is dying. The land is poisoned from Soviet era chemicals. Moldovans are the poorest people of Europe. Moldovans are trafficked and crime and corruption are common place.
This is not the fault of modern Moldovans. The Great Powers chipped and stole Moldovan land and resources for hundreds of years. The territory continues to shrink. People continue to flee.
What can I compare this situation to? Native American Reservations. The same tactics used to gain the same results. This is a slow rolling genocide of an unwanted people.